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Writer: Paul Proctor - EducationPaul Proctor - Education

Updated: Jan 26, 2020

I have worked in education now for more then three decades within the fields of arts, design and media. Much of this time was spent teaching in higher education within an further education institution where there is a greater expectation that one engages with the processes and techniques of pedagogy than in the university sector where I now work. For example, it is much more common in College-based higher education that tutors are involved in quality processes and therefore expected to directly engage with programme validations and the QAA inspection regime. My specialism is photography which I have taught all of my professional career. There has, however, always been hybridity between my creative practice area and pedagogy (which incidentally I also consider as creative practice). I have gained a Masters Degree in Photographic studies, a PGCE in education and a Postgraduate Diploma in Art and Design in Education from the institute of education in London as qualification management and mentoring. I am currently studying for a PhD on a photography related project at Manchester Metropolitan University. During my career, I have held and sustained a deep interest and experience in learning teaching and assessment, curriculum design, quality assurance and enhancement and pedagogy theories and philosophies which I have shared with colleagues both formally and informally throughout my career. I have been a programme leader, worked in curriculum and quality assurance and enhancement and held a number of leadership posts with specific educational responsibilities which has expanded my interest curriculum change and change management. My career has also taken me into managerial roles which has provided me with the opportunity to influence and instigate positive cultural change where learning and teaching takes a very central role in student-centred curricula. This has been enhanced by the opportunity to work in many universities both in the UK and abroad in external examining and consultancy roles. The most rewarding of all has been the opportunity to work with dedicated and talented colleagues and creatively engaged students in educational institutions and in particular on industry and socially engaged projects that have had a profound impact on the education of all involved.

In addition to teaching on the BA (Hons) Photography programme, I am also Curriculum Lead for a new School of Digital Arts (SODA) in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at MMU. This role enables me to draw from over 35 years of experience teaching in and managing arts, design and media programmes, mentoring staff through change and transition into a new and exciting curriculum and pedagogic space.

The following blog posts aim to outline some of my areas of experience and expertise in terms of learning, teaching, assessment, curriculum design, educational leadership and pedagogy and serve to highlight points in my career that have impacted on my current thinking around education in higher education that directly informs the work I am now doing.


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